Annual technical inpection 2020 | Atego 4×4

We have passed an anual technical inspection 2020.
It’s the best time to start dealing with subframe and living cabin manufactures.

An annual technical inspection 2020, Atego 4×4
An annual technical inspection 2020, Atego 4×4

Anti-rust preparations | Atego 4×4

Owatrol Oil and Brantho-Korrux Nitrofest + Brantho-Korrux “3 in 1” were recommended me as the best solution for my rust treatment. And I will trust skilled !!! Both companies seem to be very professional and I´m only curious about the results.
Can´t wait the start …

Owatrol Oil | Atego 4x4
Owatrol Oil | Atego 4×4
Owatrol Polytrol | Atego 4x4
Owatrol Polytrol | Atego 4×4